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Knowledge and Resources


December 28, 2020

Are you ready for 2021?  What do you have planned for the new year?  Do you have goals and dreams you hope to achieve?  Is this going to be your year?


In order to help, I've created the InspireU Goal Setting Guide.  It's designed to help you bring clarity around your goals and create plans to reach those goals.  


Click Here to Get Your Copy!

Cover of InspireU Goal Setting Guide.PNG


December 31, 2020

Wow what a year it has been!  2020 will gone down in the history books for a host of reasons... Covid-19, racial tensions, elections, killer hornets, masks, vaccines, and economic struggles.  


With all of the chaos, many would say it can't be over soon enough.  However, I'm reminded that it has also brought more time with family, time to slow down and reflect, and it has caused us all to pause and "Reboot".  Reflecting on the year I have come to know gratitude in it's most true meaning.  I have come to appreciate the small things in life, like close friendships, the ability to enjoy dinner out with friends, and the excitement of seeing a movie in the theater.  Perhaps 2020 was a wake up call to us all, I know it was for me.  May we learn from 2020 so we can grow from it and be better because of it.  


Here is to the New Year!  May it be full of excitement, hope, and dreams.  Happy New Year!

New Year Celebration
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